The Dubai Computer Group (DCG) is delighted to announce the official formation of its new Board for the 2025/2026 term. In the presence of Omar Al Hashmi (Dubai Chamber) and Hon. Chairman, Khalaf Al Otaiba, the first board meeting was held & marked the beginning of an exciting and promisingRead More…

The channel has enjoyed a few strong years and despite the challenges of 2022, the security, cloud and infrastructure are witnessing considerable investments. According to research firm Gartner, IT spending is projected to total $4.4 trillion, an increase of 4% from 2021.Read More…

Dubai the epitome of pioneering new breakthroughs and creating new landmarks, produced yet another home grown pioneer, TEXUB, as the company unveiled its global B2B marketplace cutting across borders and providing opportunities to traders, trade anywhere in the world.Read More…

The Dubai Computer Group continues its theme of building capability within the IT industry and has organized a 2-day workshop titled “Business Leadership Conclave titled “Make It Happen – Make It Matter”. Event is sponsored by TOSHIBA as Platinum Sponsor and AOC, ASBIS, Supermicro & XFX as Gold Sponsors.Read More…

The Dubai Computer Group (DCG) sailed into yet another Annual General Meeting last month aboard the ‘Monalisa’ cruise. Held on 21st March, the event brought together DCG members to discuss major achievements of the group last year, the challenges that lie ahead and to exchange ideas for the growth ofRead More…

UAE rolled-out its new VAT law early this year to decrease the country’s dependency on oil prices and generate a new source of income to provide better public services. Every new regulation comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, and amidst all the chaos that this region’s unstableRead More…

Value-added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax applied upon the consumption of most goods and services, levied by VAT registered businesses at each stage in the supply chain. VAT is added to the value of the goods and servicesRead More…